Make Moving Your Things Less Stressful
23rd August 2021
There’s a mysterious phenomenon that occurs every time you move house, we’ve all experienced it and we all know about it. It’s the unknown question of just how did you accumulate so much stuff? Moving from one place to the next makes you realise just how much more furniture, appliances, books, picture frames, and (most importantly to some) clothes you have now as opposed to when you moved in and the daunting task of moving it from A to the B.
So we’re here to help! Here are a few handy tips for downsizing for a move;
Make a Plan
As the old saying goes; failing to prepare is preparing to fail, and the prospect of packing an entire house will feel Everest-like in proportions. Planning how, where and when you’re looking pack can cut the process into manageable chunks.
Make a list of your absolute essentials for your day-to-day and keep them all in one place and out of the way. On the flip side, anything that you haven’t used in the last week can almost certainly be packed first.
Don’t Get Cheap with Boxes
While it’s understandable to cut costs on something as mundane as your boxes or bags, the last thing you want is a spillage or dropping en-route to your new home. Currier-grade moving boxes are widely available and don’t cost the earth, so invest wisely.
Be Brutal!
This is a tough one, this is THE tough one. While keeping every cinema ticket, label, letter and magazine can be precious, downsizing what you really want to keep will make this whole process infinitely easier. You’ve just got to be brave!