Coronavirus BCP

In response to the risks posed by Coronavirus, please see below details of our Business Continuity Plan. This plan is continually evolving and is subject to change, so please check back regularly. 
A.General BCP measures

  1. As part of our business continuity plans (BCP) each of our offices have clear and up-to-date BCP escalation plans in place. This will ensure timely communication to office staff in case we need to invoke a BCP plan 
  2. All of our directors have re-appraised themselves of our BCP procedures and understand their and their team’s responsibilities. 
  3. Our BCP policies are centrally held at each office and accessible to all from Personal Computer and through their mobile handsets
  4. We have a Business Continuity Team in place (Directors, branch and lettings managers) who are responsible for ensuring that our local teams have the support they need and where necessary actions undertaken.
  5. In the event of a BCP plan being activated, our Business Continuity Team will work with the local team to ensure continuity of service to our clients 

B.General public health measures we are observing

  1. A full programme of communication to all our people through email, office posters, team meetings and communications-cascade, to observe the enhanced public health measures at all times:
    ‒Regularly wash hands with soap and warm water for the time it takes to sing “happy birthday” twice as recommended
    ‒Carry a tissue at all times. Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue and throw the tissue in the bin (Catch It. Bin It. Kill It)
    ‒Avoid touching your face
    ‒Avoid greeting by shaking hands or ‘kissing on cheeks’
  2. All of our offices have anti-bacterial gel available 
  3. All hot-desk workers to use anti-bacterial spray on keyboard, mouse, desk and chair arms
  4. All staff to be communicated with in an open and clear manner to encourage those with specific health concerns to raise them
  5. All large meetings and events to be fully risk assessed and risk mitigation measures put in place. Video conferencing will be utilised in favour of travelling to meetings and to minimise bringing large groups together to meet in person

C. If we have a suspected case of Coronavirus in a Home Estate Agents office 

  1. If the suspected case is a member of the HOME team they will self-isolate immediately
  2. If the suspected case is a member of the public or a client we will support the individual and co-ordinate, however is required
  3. We will liaise with the local NHS Public Health Protection Team
  4. If the office is in a multi-tenanted building we will notify the building management team and follow advice
  5. Current guidance from the government is that the office should remain open and business will continue as usual
  6. Public health measures will be emphasised:
    ‒Keeping clean hands
    ‒Catch It. Bin It. Kill It
    ‒Using video conferencing wherever possible 
    ‒Using anti-bac spray at workstations
    ‒Using anti-bac hand gel
  7. We will keep in regular contact with the individual to ascertain their medical diagnosis

D. If we have a confirmed case of Coronavirus in a Home estate agents office

  1. The individual should follow medical advice
  2. Our BCP plan will be activated
  3. We will liaise with the local NHS Public Health Protection team 
  4. If our office is in a multi-tenanted building we will notify the building management team and follow advice
  5. Analysis of who the person has worked closely with in the period immediately prior to diagnosis / self-isolation
  6. Current guidance from the government is that the office will need to be deep cleaned and sanitised. This may require us to close the office temporarily
  7. Once the cleaning work is complete the office will re-open and operate as normal

E. Suspected case of Coronavirus in a building we manage   

  1. Follow Guidance of Section C1 – C3.
  2. All tenant representatives will be notified
  3. Building owner will be notified
  4. Current guidance from the government is that the building should remain open and business will continue as usual
  5. Public health measures will be emphasised to all visitors and users of the building:
    ‒Keeping clean hands
    ‒Catch It. Bin It. Kill It
    ‒Using anti-bac wipes at workstations
    ‒Using anti-bac handgel
  6. We will keep in regular contact with the individual to ascertain their medical diagnosis

F. Confirmed case of Coronavirus in a building we manage   

  1. Follow Guidance of Section D1 – D3.
  2. All tenant representatives will be notified
  3. Building owner will be notified
  4. Analysis of who the person has worked closely with and the areas of the building they visited in the period immediately prior to diagnosis/self-isolation
  5. Current guidance from the government is that the building would need to be deep cleaned and sanitised. This may require us to close the building temporarily
  6. Gain building owner permission to organise necessary cleaning
  7. Keep in regular contact with tenant representatives
  8. Once the cleaning work is complete the building will re-open and operate as normal

G.BCP for a short period of a Home estate agents office closure

  1. Over 90% of Home Estate agents employees (100% of our professional and client facing staff) have a laptop and smartphone. 
  2. Skype and VPN technologies mean that our teams are able to access teams and all Home Estate agents business systems remotely. 
  3. Our teams will remain productive and still be able effectively to support our clients
  4. All of our desk phones will be diverted to mobile phones and other offices, along with the other offices notified so that overflow is dealt with effectively
  5. All impacted clients, employees, contractors, and where relevant, members of the public will be notified of the closure
  6. Team members from nearby offices not impacted by the BCP will support meetings and the viewings as and if required

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